Jan 9, 2009

you don't have to always hold your head higher than your heart

I swear to you it's okay to leap before looking and not be assured that there's solid ground beneath your feet. And if while you're falling you gasp for breath and prehaps even second guess. When you look back at what you left behind gwad knows the view coming at you a million miles per second will be nothing less than beautiful.Happiest I've ever been Pictures, Images and PhotosI awoke in beauty's arms and he kissed my cheek. I was alot more prepared than I thought. I welcome this eternal bliss everyday, every moment, this life is so worthy of every kiss. Aw....love you!


ME said...

This is beautiful!!

Jervis said...

dat was lovely

Jervis said...

just lovely

Elle Bee said...

this was beautiful.
simply beautiful.


Elle Bee said...
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Chaile Divine said...

Really awesome sweet pea.

Miss Daja said...

that was beautiful!