Be More Like Edward -
Nov 20, 2009
look after my heart I've left it with you
I frequent this site on occasion just to see a male's prospective on popular issues amongst other attractions. And it's utterly enteratining I must admit. I'm sure the creators of knew that curious ladies like myself would venture. They are most accomodating. Well I saw this article and found it rather fitting with the 'New Moon' premiere in theatres today. It's a little 'FYI' for the guys.....I think it's cute.

Be More Like Edward -
Be More Like Edward -
so eager for eternal damnation
Me: Ugh! It's only Wednesday. The week seems not to be moving at all.
Kenny: Because you're so eager for that Cullen boy.Lol.
Me: Lmao...true story.
I intend to be a most unbiased critic after I've seen this film based on the book and the preceding Twilight movie.
Nov 19, 2009
Nov 18, 2009
I've kept my heart under control but lately all this time has taken its toll
I still see your jacket hanging on the door, never let anybody put one there before.
I'm going to hold on, because I don't want to move on. You came along and I didn't know that of love but now I know that sometimes it's just not enough.
I don't want to see you anymore,
I'm just not that strong.
I love it when you're here,
but I`m better when you're gone.
I'm going to hold on, because I don't want to move on. You came along and I didn't know that of love but now I know that sometimes it's just not enough.
I don't want to see you anymore,
I'm just not that strong.
I love it when you're here,
but I`m better when you're gone.
I cannot change who I love
But I can change my attitude
I cannot change my past
I cannot change my past
But I can work for a better future
I must pick my battles
I cannot make up
For the imperfect life we had
I cannot make up
For the imperfect life we had
And I should never try
I should only focus on the positive
And I'll teach my child to do the same
I cannot do anything except my best
I can for myself and my son.
I'd like to meet somone who REALLY understands, who listens and hears. Then HIS voice said" I'm always here."
-Whisical Thoughts
Nov 17, 2009
reassure my heart somehow that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything
well it's broke.
tried to hang me high...
well I'm choked.
wanted it to rain on me...
well I'm soaked.
It's the end where I begin.
Nov 13, 2009
so the lion fell in love with the lamb
I cannot begin to explain my excitement about this movie. November the movie premiere date. I'm currently reading the New Moon novel and I can't remember ever being this engrossed in a book well since Twilight though I've seen the movie a thousand times. There's something far more superb about your own imagination. Well in the meantime I revel in the intimate conversations of Edward and Bella. And if it were possible Edwards' words are even more captivating and passionate. I guess that's what it takes to emphasis true believe you've lost it and have it returned to you. So true.
If you've been under a rock for the past year or so during the Twilight frenzy. Here's a synopsis of what the New Moon title is about. The author Stephanie Meyer appropriately titled the book based on the fact of the coming of the 'New Moon' one of the darkest phases of the Lunar Cycle. And this is exactly the forshadowment of Edward and Bella's relationship. New Moon introduces Bella to her 18th birthday celebration at the Cullen's house where she accidentally receives a paper cut and Jasper, Edward's foster brother the newest vegan uncontrollably lunges at her and Edward must intervene to protect her. It is soon after he vows to no longer endanger her life. So he convinces her he doesn't love her and that they must not see each other too that he and his family are moving away. A depressed and broken-hearted Bella is left in a zombie like state where she discovers dangerous thrills allow Edward's voice to become her subconscious mind. In this state of mind she develops an even closer relationship with her old friend Jacob who helps her find thrills in motorcycle riding amongst other activities. Here also she discovers Jacob is a werewolf but he now vows to protect her and never to allow her to fall in love with him and leave like Edward did.
The story then proceeds to grow that more interesting by the presence of Laurent and Victoria who seek revenge for the death of James by the hands of Edward. They prey on Bella who is now guarded by Jacob. However, later news gets back to Edward and he believes that Bella has met the fate of death. Heart-broken and guilt ridden he makes his way to Italy to face his own death by the hands of the vampire royalty Volturi. Bella hears of the miscommunication that Edward has received and her and Alice must now race to Italy to stop Edward before he makes a grave mistake. There Bella is faced with the ultimatum from the Volturi of being turned into a vampire or being killed for being a human with far too much information about vampires.
Thereafter, they all return to Forks where Edward explains that he only left to protect her and he's always loved her and knows no other way to exist without her. She forgives him and it is favored that Bella becomes a vampire despite Edward's dismay but either after graduation or allow Edward to do it himself after they are married. New Moon is full of action and mostly focuses on the werewolves but it promises to live up to the Twilight expectancy or even be that much greater. You be the judge.
I thought I'd share some of my fav. Edward Cullen quotes from the New Moon novel:
- Do you really have any idea how important you are to me? Any concept at all how much I love you?
- I'll earn your trust back somehow. It's my final act.
- As if there were anyway that I could exist without needing you.
- Your hold is permanent and unbreakable never doubt that.
- You're the only one who has ever touched my heart it will always be yours.
- After all the thousands of times I've told you I love you, how could you let one word break your faith in me?
- You will always be the most beautiful thing in my world.
- Only you could be more important than what I wanted, what I needed. What I want and need is to be with you, and I know I’ll never be strong enough to leave again. I have too many excuses to stay, thank heaven for that.
-If there was only some way to make you see I can't leave you. Time, I suppose will be the way to convince you.
- I thought I explained it clearly before, I cannot live in a world where you don't exist
There's so much more...but I must stop myself.
Nov 11, 2009
when we meet again I'll be standing in the rain

There the raindrops will hide the evidence
Of tears fallen from losing you
I needed you really bad
And I thought maybe
I could just love you so much more this time
I promised that I wouldn't shout
Of tears fallen from losing you
I needed you really bad
And I thought maybe
I could just love you so much more this time
I promised that I wouldn't shout
Pout or single all the bad moves out
Then you'd see how much I wanted you
The way I thought you needed me too
But it was like trying to move a car
Driving with the tires all gone
I still can't believe you so quickly
Gave yourself away
Allowed my Superman to go astray
Then you'd see how much I wanted you
The way I thought you needed me too
But it was like trying to move a car
Driving with the tires all gone
I still can't believe you so quickly
Gave yourself away
Allowed my Superman to go astray
I can't imagine you kissing anothers lip
It hurts the most to know
It hurts the most to know
You willingly did all this
And now you crave more options
I can never be it
And now you crave more options
I can never be it
Maybe we're not suppose to ever really understand
This is the cross meant to bare
Just when I was finally getting use
To the tears
And you not being here
You got me believing again
In all you knew no longer existed
You got me believing again
In all you knew no longer existed
I just need now to believe
In something in the distance
That's worth more than just missing
I don't want to crave your re-used lips
And rehearsed kisses
It's probably best we not do this
There's only your twisted logic to credit
For the millionth time you reconsidered
And me you chose to dismiss
I stood here in the pouring rain
Because you needed to know
And I just still couldn't let the teardrops show
Everyday I die a little less inside
And now we can both stop wondering why
God didn't allow us a millionth and one try
For awhile we were both just characters
In a broken hearted book
And someday some lovestruck teenager
Will be touched to by this
And hopefully they'll see
That not all love
Is truly meant to be
Nov 4, 2009
something beautiful came from loving you
I'm excited beyond measure at this process
The development of a beautiful soul
That is myself
And for the one that lives within me
Each day I'm anxious for
This process to be complete
Stability became unnerved at the thought
Of an incomplete love that abandoned us here
But the promise of a never-failing love
Has become a consoling presence
And everyday I love each of you more
Yet I'm asking God to take his time with me
So that when we finally met
I can be so much more than he needs
And expects me to be
But I'd like to see his doting face
And touch his moppet hands and feet
As he sleeps with the peace
That only the love of his heavenly father can bring
I don't wish these days to move swiftly then
I'd like to cherish each one
Before his innocence is undone
And as the measure of a beautiful soul
Continues to grow
And you allow each to encounter the evident evidence of love
That is so unselfishly shown
I'll continue to praise you unconditionally
And ever so faithfully
For the beauty you've bestowed in loving you
The development of a beautiful soul
That is myself
And for the one that lives within me
Each day I'm anxious for
This process to be complete
Stability became unnerved at the thought
Of an incomplete love that abandoned us here
But the promise of a never-failing love
Has become a consoling presence
And everyday I love each of you more
Yet I'm asking God to take his time with me
So that when we finally met
I can be so much more than he needs
And expects me to be
But I'd like to see his doting face
And touch his moppet hands and feet
As he sleeps with the peace
That only the love of his heavenly father can bring
I don't wish these days to move swiftly then
I'd like to cherish each one
Before his innocence is undone
And as the measure of a beautiful soul
Continues to grow
And you allow each to encounter the evident evidence of love
That is so unselfishly shown
I'll continue to praise you unconditionally
And ever so faithfully
For the beauty you've bestowed in loving you
"Brought together by a now estranged love we wait in these moments stunned with beauty, everyday we grow that much closer in love with each other"
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