It's bogus when someone gives you advice from a prospective they can't even begin to understand. What the hell does it benefit to say 'Cut your losses, there's more fish in the sea." I actually feel better because of that shitty one liner not that it helped any. Well today it's weakened again. And it's not just about how I feel though I've always know this. There were once two but time as come and gone and I now stand alone. Still not bitter just waiting to be understood. I'm beginning to learn that no matter how hard you push if you're doing the duty of two alone it just won't work. I always knew a broken bond was one of the hardest things in the world to get back. But I had come to see even worse situations made amends and thrived. However you would have to factor the individuals involved. Most people know their breaking point. What they will allow and to what extent until ultimately enough is enough. I guess more often than not I've been that person to push the boundaries and back what I wanted into a corner even if not intentionally it happened. You never know how things will end but it's amazing how we're always so star-struck with the beginnings that even if you could see the end product and it maybe didn't look so favorable some would still thread along. Love is irrational and illogical. That was seen from the beginning so why would we have believed what we wanted like the end would be any different than the beginning. Love is hopeful and passionate. You move forward with the belief in its beauty and finding meaning and cause in what cannot be labelled. You hold out for the unseen and develop strength and attachment to appreciate even the irrationalities of it all.
Everyone who has truly loved can define the infinite definitions of love in themselves at any point in time. I can attest to the fact and must say though I believe myself to be an advocate of love I'm not always the best example but of course not. I would hope no one expected me to be. I've come to a recent realization in myself that as freely as I ask love to come in and its face maybe seen in countless forms from whomever I usually have my guard up and I'm likely not the one to be hurt in the end. Don't get me wrong I've had my share of heartbreak. I now know that I put up this wall not to keep others out quite the contrary but to see who loves me enough to climb over it. I know I'm not easy to love nor am I a quick forgive but I now believe that when you love someone enough is never enough. I think that I've always been this individual embracing matters of the heart with my heart even if my head didn't agree. So I can safely say I've never fallen out of love rather I matured and knew when it was time to say good-bye. Some people believe that true love never dies, and I too believe it doesn't but rather its reciprocated by another. Once your heart has been opened to love I believe that it will always find its way through any amount of hurt and pain. Maybe not right away, tomorrow or today but someday. Love still waits.
"But I wish you the best...I guess."
-John Legend