Some asked me my view on the following this morning. This was my take. My opinion.
People who have full bloom AIDS ought to be isolated from society. Agree/ Disagree
Agree.People who have full bloom AIDS ought to be isolated from society in my opinion.
There still is a very large stigma attached to the AIDS virus. It is agreeable that from times gone to present society has become more sociably aware and educated about the AIDS virus from all genres and cultures. Despite all the awareness when the AIDS virus is mentioned most people still associate it with death and sickness irrelevant to if it is in the HIV stage of full bloom stage so to speak. This in my opinion will never change because no one wants to put themselves knowingly at risk to be susceptible to the virus in any way. Furthermore the stigma attached to the AIDS virus is not only ever clear because of the association with death and sickness but because of the media itself. They promote abstinence of sexual activity one minute and then to protect yourself the next. Which is apparent that they realized you cannot prevent persons from having sex but you must urge them to be safe when doing so. But then to say protection doesn't really protect you from the AIDS virus. Really there is no running away from it. There is no known cure for the AIDS virus but there is treatment that allow for even persons with full bloom AIDS to function in society just as someone who doesn't have the virus. That doesn't make anyone feel secure except the person with the virus that they can go about their lives. This is why there will always be a stigma because there are allowances for people with the virus to stay hidden. The AIDS virus in my opinion is like no other so why afford people the availabilities to be treated like others who may have cancer or some other disease.
A disease like Cancer can in fact be fatal however it is impossible to pass on the disease except in some cases through a hereditary gene. With that being said putting it in a totally different category from the AIDS virus. Persons can be treated for cancer and function in society just as others. Not to totally disregard the stigma of death that can be associated with types of cancer also but individuals will not be worried about becoming susceptible to in most cases that is. The same association can be attached to someone with the sickle cell virus which too can be fatal but cannot infect others. The acronym that defines AIDS means acquired immune deficiency syndrome in short this means that your body is increasingly susceptible to infections that are carried through the blood causing a breakdown of the body which can be fatal once left untreated. However once a person has full blown AIDS treatment will only be advantageous for a matter of time until the body counteracts the treatment and makes itself in many cases immune to the drug themselves. This time span can be anywhere from days to years. Full blown AIDS heights the risk of affecting others regardless of treatment and I for one am not comfortable with those persons being allowed to function as others in society. For example when persons that have been infected with the TB virus get to that fatal stage they are quarantined for the welfare of others rather than risk an outbreak. It is safe to say it's far too late to combat the problem in that regard with the AIDS virus there is already an outbreak. So let not keep making the problem worse by allowing individuals in society to function as persons not infected.
It is inevitable that persons who are aware that they have the AIDS virus will still have sex and some will never even begin treatments. That being the case the virus will spread and persons will develop full blown AIDS and the cycle will continue. It is known that no contraceptive is 100% effective and none can protect from the AIDS virus so it will continue to invade society unless combated in some other way. Isolation may seem cruel but to make society aware and leave the decision up to individuals not infected to choose if they would like to associate or treat these individuals like the rest of society is entirely up to them. But isolation in my opinion is letting it be known to encourage free will. If persons knew who were infected I would undoubtedly believe that 10 out of 10 people would chose not to be sexually involved or share a syringe. The world's estimated population 6.7 billion people in the world and it is estimated that 40 million of those people are infected with the AIDS virus. If these 40 million people were globally known to be infected with the AIDS virus I believe that it would stay suitably among those individuals. As previously stated eventually full blown AIDS is fatal wither you wish to accept it or not. These infected people eventually will live whatever expectancy of life treated or untreated but the purpose is to contain the virus. In efforts of not creating new cases of the virus itself over time.
20 years ago during what was now known as the AIDS epidemic when it was believed that AIDS came from and was only contracted through the gay community. 22 million people have died since that time 20 years ago. Today the number is substantially more significant in growth of persons living with the virus. Some argued that the figure today also includes persons from that time still living with the virus. Whatever the case maybe I believe the reality of the situation has grown beyond initial control because of the state of mind of the infected population and those not. The AIDS virus deeply effects the mental state of individuals infected whether it be mental stability or instability. Most people would take the knowledge of being infected with the virus as a death sentence. We all know that we cannot live forever but the point of view changes when one knows how they will meet death. The greatest emotion that a person infected with the AIDS virus goes through is without a doubt fear. Not only fear for their life but fear of how they will be treated in society not only by strangers but more importantly their peers being family and friends. The fear if not being socially accepted or being scorned and looked down upon is a risk that no one would like to take by choice. This in itself is not easy on anyone's psyche. Being said it is only normal that most persons infected with AIDS virus initial emotion next to fear would be anger which can be at themselves or for whomever they feel is responsible for transmitting the virus. It is common that a person infected with the AIDS virus state of mind is usually unstable and in many cases fear and anger lead to a vengeful disposition. Whereas these person take it upon themselves to knowingly infect other people who are unaware because they feel as though someone did the same to them. Nonetheless you must take into consideration the masses the latter of the population who are not infected and those who are not even aware that they are infected with the virus. This personally for me is the biggest risk factor. Individuals who do not know they are infected with the AIDS virus are in fact living their lives in whatever capacity they would deem as normal without having the mental or physical burdens that the AIDS virus possesses. Then there are persons infected with the AIDS virus who were either born with the virus or in some instances rape victims. These people have played no part in their situation and cannot be held accountable in any way.
I empathize with persons in every situation living with the AIDS virus but that does not make it okay to keep their health status as far as being infected with the AIDS virus confidential. There is no counter attack for persons infected with the AIDS virus besides medication that allows them to function as if they were not infected. It is apparent that this method of control is not effective. It should be made mandatory that every individual from every society take a test for the AIDS virus. It is not enough to make the infected comfortable but the overall aim should be to eliminate the increasing growth of new cases. In my opinion we can only ever reach that goal by public isolation in my definition of outing persons infected with the AIDS virus and leaving individual isolation in whatever regard up to the masses. It is estimated that 7,000 new cases are recorded every day. What we don't know is hurting us. You decide.
now the question is, if YOU had AIDS, would YOU want to be isolated?
get back to me PRONTO.this is a good topic
btw,i respect yurr opinion
lol.yea I keep getting that. i would not want to be isolated but then again like i said it would be up to society to chose if they wanted to not associate with me b.c of my all for it for the greater good though..believe or not im a team player...THIS WAS JUST FUN TO DO THO.I WANTED THE CONTROVERSIAL STAND POINT
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